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How we can protect the social role of government: What is social procurement?

Posted by Maureen Owens on February 12, 2024


Exploring how to advance community change through social procurement, instead of profit-focused, public-private partnerships.

Written by Maureen Owens (she/her) and Molly McCracken (CCPA)

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How to connect: A visit to Davos prompts questions and connections

Posted by the Tamarack Institute on February 7, 2024


This resource is also available in French. Click here to access the French version.


Earlier this month, I attended the World Economic Forum’s 54 Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland for the first time. I gained a more nuanced set of tools for how to engage across different “languages,” and this thought piece unpacks them. 

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Three big ideas for 2024

Posted by the Tamarack Institute on January 10, 2024


Written by Sylvia Cheuy and Lisa Attygalle

In late fall 2023, our team at the Tamarack Institute spent a week together reflecting on the progress we’d made on our strategy and 2030 Plan, the dynamics at play in our communities and around the world, what our learners have been telling us, and how we might best support and connect them to maximize the impact of their changemaking work – both locally and across systems.   

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Disrupting Systems as a Field Catalyst

Posted by the Tamarack Institute on April 27, 2023



The Tamarack Institute is a Field Catalyst, a unique type of organization that convenes multiple communities to learn together and scale transformational change.

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Creating A Circular Economy for a Greener Recovery

Posted by Paul Born on March 12, 2021

Montréal is thinking differently to address the unprecedented impact of COVID-19 on the economy and people. Seeking a greener recovery, they are investing in a Circular Economy fund, giving support to social economy businesses, and reinventing economic development in their city.

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The Hope in Facing Truth

Posted by ADAOMA PATTERSON on February 17, 2021

We made it!

2020 has felt simultaneously like the longest and shortest year. So many of us anticipated and planned for a year of significant accomplishments, opportunities and growth. We felt that 2020 would be a year of renewal. And then something called the Corona virus (COVID-19) emerged.

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