BC’s Minimum Wage Hikes Address Working Poverty
Minimum wage increase tied to inflation, significantly impacting working poor.
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Minimum wage increase tied to inflation, significantly impacting working poor.
This blog post was originally published on the Disability Without Poverty Bill C-22 blog on June 22, 2023.
Today, after tireless advocacy from Canadians living with disabilities Bill C-22, the Canada Disability Benefit Act, received Royal Assent. The Canada Disability Benefit Act creates a new supplemental income for people living with a disability, which seeks to support financial security for a community that is twice as likely to live in poverty.
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Do our communities benefit from public spending?
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Written by John Stapleton and Yvonne Yuan from Open Policy Ontario
Five communities are tackling big questions about working poverty in rural communities.
Read MoreVibrant Communities Calgary ’s vision is a community where there is enough for all. They create opportunities to align and leverage the work of hundreds of organizations and thousands of Calgarians to reduce poverty in their city.
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Read MoreIn the spirit of respect, reciprocity, and truth we honour and acknowledge that our work occurs across Turtle Island (North America), which has been home since time immemorial to the ancestors of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Peoples.
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