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Unleashing Youth Expression Through Arts-Based Evaluation

Posted by Samantha Gregorio on June 9, 2023

This resource is also available in French. Click here to access the French version.

Picture this: program enrollment is on a decline and youth seem to have lost interest in a program. What do you do as a professional in the field?

This blog will give some insight into the benefits and considerations for conducting arts-based evaluations for community youth programs, with the hope of offering a unique approach to increasing interest and engagement in recreational programs for young people.  It is adapted from the author’s original academic article.

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Learning Indigenous Ways of Knowing and Being

Posted by the Tamarack Institute on April 27, 2023


Accompanying First Nations communities is a continuous learning process which requires us to question and revisit our approaches and perspectives.

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Living History: A Developmental Evaluation Tool

Posted by Cameron Norman on November 9, 2020

Developmental Evaluation (DE) can provide vital information to inform the evolution of a program or service by connecting what is done to what is happening with what our program is designed to do and our resources using data, design, and sensemaking. That’s a tall order, but then DE is a particularly powerful approach to supporting innovation and program development. But how do we capture and document all the things that actually go into the life of a program? That’s where the Living History method comes in.

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Why do we still think youth aren’t interested in program evaluation?

Posted by Kathleen Slemon on September 2, 2020

As part of Communities Building Youth Future’s commitment to  youth engagement, we aim to build meaningful opportunities to engage young people - we believe that we can learn a lot from youth. We believe that youth perspectives, beliefs, and visions for the future should shape our work and we want to share these with changemakers across the country. The following blog showcases the voice of youth with lived/living experience.

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Outcome Mapping Thinking and Practices for Systems Change

Posted by Heidi Schaeffer on March 5, 2020

Outcome Mapping (OM) is an approach to evaluative thinking and practice, arising from a holistic and interconnected understanding about development and social change.

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Shift Your Evaluation from Activity to Impact Reporting

Posted by Natasha Pei on February 17, 2020

Cities Reducing Poverty members are showing increasing interest in making the shift from evaluating and reporting on their activities – such as the number of volunteer hours worked or the amount of people who registered for a program – to measuring and talking about their impact.

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