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Indigenous understandings of Sustainable Development Goal #1: Ending poverty in all its forms

Posted by Natasha Beedie on February 21, 2024


This resource is also available in French. Click here to access the French version.

As part of the federal government’s release of the 2030 Agenda National Strategy; Moving Forward Together, Canada committed to closing socio-economic gaps, advancing reconciliation, acting on important calls from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action and the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, and fulfilling its international obligations under the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).

Three years later, Indigenous Peoples continue to hope for the transformative change that would significantly improve well-being and belonging.

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Learning Indigenous Ways of Knowing and Being

Posted by the Tamarack Institute on April 27, 2023


Accompanying First Nations communities is a continuous learning process which requires us to question and revisit our approaches and perspectives.

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Tackling racism, trauma and inequity with Communities Ending Poverty

Posted by Maureen Owens on March 9, 2022

Over my first week of work as Communities Ending Poverty’s Learning Lead, I have been reflecting on my personal and professional learning journey to more deeply understand racism and on how I can leverage this new role to tackle inequity.

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Breaking Down Silos in Rural Communities: Employing A Whole Systems Approach

Posted by Natasha Pei on June 23, 2021

Breaking down silos and employing a whole systems approach that puts a person’s wellbeing at the centre is a critical practice for rural communities seeking to end poverty. Working in silos ignores the complexity of people’s lives and beneficial community assets remain under-utilized. While working out-of-sync with one another, very few organizations are likely to see their clients sustainably achieve their goals.

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