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Equity & Inclusion: Stepping Into the Role of the Learner

Posted by the Tamarack Institute on September 3, 2020

As an outcome of the global pandemic declared in March 2020, we are bearing witness to seam-tearing changes to our socio-economic, health and political systems. With seam-tearing however, comes the opportunity to re-design, re-create and re-focus how we want these systems to function, and how we as changemakers can participate in this process.

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Exploring a Community Youth Organization’s Rapid Response to the Pandemic

Posted by Pamela Teitelbaum on June 4, 2020

Founded in 1970, Head & Hands is a community health organization servicing Montreal’s west end community youth. It began with a mission to provide medical, legal and social services to Montreal’s youth and has since grown into a landmark community organization providing “services that include free weekly drop-in medical clinics, legal information and consultations, counselling, a young parents’ program, youth drop-in, tutoring, street workers, and the Sense Project peer-based sex ed in high schools.”

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Three Strategies for Navigating the Language of Evaluation

Posted by Pamela Teitelbaum on January 9, 2020

What’s so stimulating about the language of evaluation?

On several recent occasions in meetings about designing evaluation plans for community interventions the terminology about evaluation has almost derailed constructive, creative and innovative conversations about an intervention, and all I keep thinking is “WOW! I am finding this really overwhelming, I can’t imagine how people without a background in evaluation must be feeling when having to make decisions about these things!?”

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Evaluation Moments: Sparking a Legacy of Supporting Positive Change Through a Mindful Evaluation Practice

Posted by Pamela Teitelbaum on June 20, 2019

We all have moments when we ask ourselves a lot questions about what we're achieving. We wonder how and if the contributions we make individually and collectively are being valued or if they're considered insignificant. Are the resources we committed to produce some sort of change are the right resources? Are we really producing evidence and results that will establish a legacy of positive change? And hey, maybe it’s as simple as “why the heck are we doing this in the first place?”

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