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Together for Strength, Policy Change, and Community

Posted by the Tamarack Institute on April 5, 2023


This blog post was written by Danya Pastuszek, Alison Homer, and Justin Williams.


In 2020, hundreds of you contributed to Tamarack’s Future Search. That process surfaced an aspiration to use the power of our network to shape a public policy plan and name shifting policy and advocating for systems change as one of Tamarack’s three strategic priorities.

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3 Funding Opportunities to Support Community Initiatives

Posted by Justin Williams on June 14, 2021

The Government of Canada and its partners are currently accepting applications for three major funding opportunities for communities. Through the funding opportunities, communities can apply for funding to support public spaces, improve mobility and access to digital services, provide programs and services related to financial empowerment and social inclusion of vulnerable youth, and build intersectoral partnerships to address social determinants of health and wellbeing. The three funding opportunities are described below:  

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National Strategy Highlights Kitchener for Localizing Sustainable Development Goals (en anglais)

Posted by Justin Williams on March 15, 2021

In February, the Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, the Hon. Ahmed Hussen, and the Minister of International Development, the Hon. Karina Gould, launched Canada’s 2030 Agenda, National Strategy. The strategy provides a vision for engaging Governments, Civil Society, Private Sector, Academia, and International partners to meet our commitments to build a more peaceful, inclusive, prosperous, resilient and sustainable world that is people centred.

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Building Our Movement in 2020

Posted by Justin Williams on December 15, 2019

December is the perfect time to reflect on the year and to look forward towhat can be built in the next year. In Vibrant Communities, 2019 was a year of growth and impact. We are excited to work with our member networks to build on our growth and impact in 2020.

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New Study Shows Canada Child Benefit Provides Additional Benefit for Food Security

Posted by Justin Williams on November 20, 2019

A new study in the Journal of Preventive Medicine from the University of Toronto finds that, since the introduction of the Canada Child Benefit (CCB), there is a 1/3 reduction in severe food insecurity for low-income families.

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The Success of Benefits Program Reflects the Importance of Tax Clinics

Posted by Justin Williams on March 6, 2019

The release of the Canadian Income Survey for 2017 came with a welcome piece of news for those working in poverty reduction: fewer Canadians and especially fewer children were living below the official poverty line and the low-income measure in 2017. In fact, Canada has already reached its 2020 target of a 20% reduction in poverty. While there is still significant work to be done to reach a 50% reduction in poverty by 2030, and to ultimately eliminate poverty, it is clear that the work being done by every level of government and by community-based roundtables is having an impact.

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