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Paul Born

Paul Born
Paul is a large-scale community change facilitator. He is the author of four books including, Deepening Community and Community Conversations, two Canadian best sellers. He is the Co-founder of Tamarack and for 20 years was the CEO/Co-CEO. Paul continues at Tamarack as a coach and trainer providing coaching and training to communities interested in achieving population level change. On Sabbatical until October 2022.

Recent Posts

Update From Tamarack Co-Founder Paul Born

Posted by Paul Born on September 1, 2022

I want to start with a huge thank you to the Tamarack Community for all the wonderful comments and well-wishes as I retired from the Co-CEO role at Tamarack. We are a remarkable community and it has been a privilege to give leadership to co-founding and growing the community with all of you.

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What happened to build back better?

Posted by Paul Born on March 7, 2022

I know that we are all exhausted by two years of COVID ravaging our communities! We just want it to go away and “please just let us get on with our lives”. I just want to hang out with family and friends, go to a café, a movie a concert. I am so desperate for safe human contact that I even long for a real face to work meeting to discuss real issues with real people!

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Creating A Circular Economy for a Greener Recovery

Posted by Paul Born on March 12, 2021

Montréal is thinking differently to address the unprecedented impact of COVID-19 on the economy and people. Seeking a greener recovery, they are investing in a Circular Economy fund, giving support to social economy businesses, and reinventing economic development in their city.

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Waiting for Hope

Posted by Paul Born on February 15, 2021

As an unapologetic optimist, hope is normally not hard to find. The COVID-19 second wave has descended on us this fall like a deep west coast fog. All summer we knew it was coming. Many of us relaxed bathing in the familiar relationships and interactions we so missed. How could this be happening again?

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Communities Ending Poverty

Posted by Paul Born on February 3, 2021


What is the end of poverty? What will it take to end poverty in Canada? If we reduce poverty to 5%, will be able to say that we have effectively ended economic poverty? Could we then target health and well-being to end poverty for all Canadians? At 5% poverty could we afford a Guaranteed Annual Income? What are your questions and ideas about the end of poverty?

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When Community Becomes ‘Unessential’

Posted by Paul Born on April 28, 2020

Community gardens were just declared essential in our city. Gardens were opened as a food security measure, noting that many low-income people rely on gardens to save money on food. The next big challenge, and this will be announced in the next few weeks, is how to manage a community garden without community.

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