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Creating A Circular Economy for a Greener Recovery

Posted by Paul Born on March 12, 2021

Montréal is thinking differently to address the unprecedented impact of COVID-19 on the economy and people. Seeking a greener recovery, they are investing in a Circular Economy fund, giving support to social economy businesses, and reinventing economic development in their city.

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You Can Make A Difference: A Guide to Being a Great Consultant

Posted by Zena Simces on March 8, 2021

In my recently published book, You Can Make A Difference: A Guide to Being a Great Consultant, I recognize the successful work of the Tamarack Institute in applying a collective impact approach for meaningful community change. As a consultant, manager or leader engaging multiple groups of stakeholders to co-create solutions to complex organizational or industrial challenges, or addressing major community social, health or environmental transformations, this approach enables you to move beyond the single impact of an initiative in the short-term to strive for broader impact in the long-term.

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The Hope in Facing Truth

Posted by ADAOMA PATTERSON on February 17, 2021

We made it!

2020 has felt simultaneously like the longest and shortest year. So many of us anticipated and planned for a year of significant accomplishments, opportunities and growth. We felt that 2020 would be a year of renewal. And then something called the Corona virus (COVID-19) emerged.

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Waiting for Hope

Posted by Paul Born on February 15, 2021

As an unapologetic optimist, hope is normally not hard to find. The COVID-19 second wave has descended on us this fall like a deep west coast fog. All summer we knew it was coming. Many of us relaxed bathing in the familiar relationships and interactions we so missed. How could this be happening again?

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It takes a mindshift to put citizens at the center of your work

Posted by Heather Keam on November 12, 2020

Have you ever thought about whose role is it to build community? Whose role is it to fix the problems? Is it government, maybe social service programs? Is it groups and associations? Sometimes, I think that communities are looking for a superhero to swoop in and fix all their problems. But this superhero does not exist. What we need is a group of superheroes such as Marvel's Avengers, with each hero bringing their own gift and knowledge, and when its used as a group big changes can happen.

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Living History: A Developmental Evaluation Tool

Posted by Cameron Norman on November 9, 2020

Developmental Evaluation (DE) can provide vital information to inform the evolution of a program or service by connecting what is done to what is happening with what our program is designed to do and our resources using data, design, and sensemaking. That’s a tall order, but then DE is a particularly powerful approach to supporting innovation and program development. But how do we capture and document all the things that actually go into the life of a program? That’s where the Living History method comes in.

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