Fostering stronger communities for societal and ecological well-being
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In this blog post, Cayo Costa and Jorge Garza discuss how green spaces can cultivate well-being, equity and resilience.
As we take the time to reflect on 2021 for Communities Building Youth Futures (CBYF), we also want to take the chance to highlight and celebrate the work that the CBYF communities have accomplished since becoming part of the network in June 2020.
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It has been 18 months since we first started “social distancing” and shutting down some of the most vital components of what is at the heart of community, such as parks, trails, cafes, community centres, events and social gatherings.
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Vibrant Communities’ Communities Ending Poverty (CEP) has grown to host 90 members representing more than 350 cities and communities across Canada. Through 20 years of tireless work, our network has contributed to 1 million Canadians being lifted out of poverty.
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Just before the holidays, United Way of Central Iowa, as part of the OpportUNITY Plan, announced that in 2016, 11,000 more individuals were financially self-sufficient in three state counties: Polk, Warren, and Dallas. This is incredibly significant to the community, as it marks the first time in recent memory that Central Iowa has seen a reduction in poverty. The good news reflects well on the hard work of United Way of Central Iowa and their partners, the value of a Collective Impact approach to poverty reduction, and the importance of a robust measurement strategy.
Read MoreIn the spirit of respect, reciprocity, and truth we honour and acknowledge that our work occurs across Turtle Island (North America), which has been home since time immemorial to the ancestors of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Peoples.
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