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Nudging Change Through the Smallest Visible System

Posted by Liz Weaver on June 12, 2020

Tamarack recently hosted a conversation with Cameron Norman, Principal and President at Cense, about the power of individuals to shift systems.  Norman, in a recent blog post, described a way of navigating complex systems by focusing on the smallest visible system. 

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Applying the Five Conditions of Collective Impact to Poverty Reduction

Posted by Alison Homer on December 18, 2019

Cities Reducing Poverty (CRP) members across Canada apply Collective Impact approaches as they work to move the needle on poverty in their communities. They frame their work under five core conditions, first identified in 2011 by John Kania and Mark Kramer of FSG Consulting, that have been identified as being shared by successful Collective Impact initiatives.

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Three Approaches That Work Well Together to Build Community

Posted by Heather Keam on November 25, 2019

I love new approaches and ways to improve how I do my community work. Here are three approaches that work well to better your community work.

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Welcome to the Party! How to Onboard New Collaborative Partners

Posted by Deb Halliday on October 7, 2019

This blog was originally published by the Collective Impact Forum.

If collective impact efforts have any certainties, one surely is the ever-revolving (one might hope ever-evolving) door of community partners coming to the table. Our efforts for inclusivity, the reality that multi-sector coalitions invite instability as people leave jobs and new people come in: it’s inevitable that we will be regularly onboarding new partners.

How do we invite in new faces without disrupting the focus and momentum of the team? I’m often asked this as I coach collective impact efforts. Here are a few strategies that seem to work.

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Building a Common Agenda for Collective Impact

Posted by Elle Richards on September 30, 2019

A common agenda is a common understanding of the problem and a shared vision for change. It is a necessary component of Collective Impact and an important consideration in the development of a poverty reduction strategy that requires an ongoing process of community engagement.

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Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainable Development and Collective Impact

Posted by Liz Weaver on August 6, 2019

More than 500 foundation leaders attended the Philippines League of Corporate Foundations annual Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Expo in Manila in July.  Highlighting the themes of collaboration and collective impact, the CSR Expo also focused on the progress being made on the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals. 

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