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How Safe Is It to Participate?

Posted by Max Hardy on October 7, 2020

Something we don’t discuss much is the importance of the ‘do no harm’ principle when engaging the community (especially relevant now with the COVID-19 pandemic). Anthony Boxshall and I identified ‘people feeling unsafe’ as one of the key challenges to co-design. We rely on bringing together a diverse community of interest, but what do you do if alternative views are not welcome, or indeed people fear the consequences of participating and expressing unpopular or inconvenient points of view? This can be even more challenging than just ensuring physical distancing at this time

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Facilitating Co-Design Virtually: Part Four

Posted by Lisa Attygalle on June 1, 2020

Coming out of Phase Three you will have a group of people who are connected, who understand what their shared vision is, and have been let loose to brainstorm ideas. There’s likely a lot of momentum. But it may feel slightly messy or overwhelming. Enter: Phase Four.

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Facilitating Co-Design Virtually: Part Three

Posted by Lisa Attygalle on May 25, 2020

Coming into Phase Three your group will now have reached some form of alignment on a shared vision. Having this shared vision is critical as it is the foundation for this next phase of building new ideas.

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Facilitating Co-Design Virtually: Part Two

Posted by Lisa Attygalle on May 1, 2020

Now that you’ve considered ways to facilitate an inquiry phase virtually, we turn to looking at options for how your co-design participants can explore what is common or shared across their diverse perspectives as they look to the future.

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Facilitating Co-Design Virtually: Part One

Posted by Lisa Attygalle on April 24, 2020

Only a few weeks back, Tamarack hosted a 2-day workshop on how to facilitate co-design sessions with diverse stakeholders to problem-solve solutions together. Then, COVID-19 happened, and the question that is top of mind for many is—How do we facilitate co-design sessions virtually?

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