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Paul Born

Paul Born
Paul is a large-scale community change facilitator. He is the author of four books including, Deepening Community and Community Conversations, two Canadian best sellers. He is the Co-founder of Tamarack and for 20 years was the CEO/Co-CEO. Paul continues at Tamarack as a coach and trainer providing coaching and training to communities interested in achieving population level change. On Sabbatical until October 2022.

Recent Posts

Opioids! We need a Reconstruction of Community

Posted by Paul Born on September 26, 2018

Two words we most often hear together in the negative, “people are dying in our community from opioids or we have a “community opioid crisis.”

But today, in the Globe and Mail, I, for the first time, heard the call that to fight the opioid crisis we need not a war on drugs but a reconstruction of community. In her column on September 24,  Margaret Wente shares, “the writer Andrew Sullivan talks about pain and trauma too.

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Welcoming the Stranger

Posted by Paul Born on September 12, 2018

In the next 25 years, if things go as planned, Canada will accept some 7.5 million immigrants and will receive nearly 1.5 million refugees. But, how many of us think things will go as planned in the next 25 years?

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Embracing Migration by Ending Poverty and Deepening Community

Posted by Paul Born on June 15, 2018

Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of attending the annual conference for our partners, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, and presenting as part of their closing plenary. I was asked to share my vision for Canada in 2040. This gave me the chance to reflect on what Canada could look like if we steer our collective capacity toward eradicating poverty and deepening community as we embrace newcomers to Canada.

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Caring is About More than "Care"

Posted by Paul Born on April 13, 2018

Ask any Canadian what “care” means and you will get rapid-fire answers that include words like kindness, love, concern, compassion and attentiveness. We know with inner certainty what it feels like to be cared for. But ask if these qualities come to mind when thinking about experiences in the health care system and you might get a blank stare or even a smirk”. - Vickie Cammack and Donna Thomson.

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Cormac Russell Tells the Story of John McKnight and ABCD

Posted by Paul Born on February 15, 2018

Asset Based Community Development (ABCD): Looking Back to Look Forward - In conversation with John McKnight about the intellectual and practical heritage of ABCD and its place in the world today, by Cormac Russell, tells the story behind ABCD. When I say "behind", I mean it provides us an intimate reflection on the people that most influenced John and the ground-breaking ideas that formed his thinking.

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A New Year Obsession

Posted by Paul Born on January 9, 2018

As we enter into yet another chaotic year, do we dare optimism? Or, do we embrace a growing sense that it is too late? Should we just let things unravel, focus on what is best for Me, and watch it all come tumbling down?

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