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Lisa Attygalle

Lisa Attygalle
In her role at Tamarack, Lisa works with cities and organizations to improve the way they engage with their communities. Over the last seven years, her work has focused on creating engagement strategies for municipalities and organizations, integrated communications planning, and the use of technology and creativity for engagement. Lisa constantly advocates for simplicity in infrastructure, frameworks, and design and loves applying the principles of marketing, advertising, loyalty, and user experience to community initiatives.

Recent Posts

How Community Engagement is Changing in the midst of COVID-19

Posted by Lisa Attygalle on April 22, 2020

In traditional community engagement there were clear and delineated roles about who is engaging who: the municipality looking for community input on a program; a collaborative is inviting community members with lived experience to play an advisory role; etc.

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Co-Design: A Necessary Skillset for Community-Led Development

Posted by Lisa Attygalle on February 21, 2020
F'or the community, by the community’ is the rallying cry for community-led development – where those who are most impacted are involved in developing solutions for their own future.
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Creating Transformational (not Transactional) Experiences When Engaging Residents

Posted by Lisa Attygalle on August 22, 2019

What comes to mind when you think of a transformational experience? 

Here’s what it likely does not look like: Filling out a survey; being handed an information card; or responding to a public notice.  

Community engagement practices can often feel transactional: the community is a source of information and the goal is to retrieve that information to design the ideal solution. We say thank you and then move on. 

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7 Steps to Repair Relationships For Stronger Community Engagment

Posted by Lisa Attygalle on July 4, 2019

What should you do when history, tensions or conflicts get in the way of ongoing community engagement that is in any way authentic and meaningful? 

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Why You Should Always Share Your Results

Posted by Lisa Attygalle on May 9, 2019

The part of the community change process that gets dropped most often is all that comes after the work is done. We host an event and then don’t do the debrief. We coordinate a year-long community of practice but don’t capture the way the meetings have impacted people. We convene neighbours for a community gathering and work day but don’t share how we did it and why people came.

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Reading the Digital Body Language of your Community Members

Posted by Lisa Attygalle on November 16, 2017

My background is in the world of marketing and specifically in the field of marketing automation where the focus is on having meaningful interactions with customers online based on the digital cues they provide. This is called reading their ‘digital body language’.

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