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Building for Breakthrough

Posted by Mark Cabaj on April 4, 2023


It's time to think and act big again.

That is what I thought after Paul Born asked me if I would like to join him in a series of workshops to share the ideas in his newest book, Breakthrough Community Change.

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A Reflection on New Roles

Posted by Danya Pastuszek (she/her) on March 2, 2023

I first got to know Tamarack in 2015, supporting partnerships to improve educational outcomes in Utah. Tamarack sparked thinking and action on how to center students and families with lived experiences of poverty and racism in reimagining K-12 education. The tools were practical and abundant. The stories prompted new ways of thinking. The invitations to act were focused and systems oriented.

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The Holiday Season Brings out the Best in Our Communities

Posted by Heather Keam on November 24, 2022

We are all on this learning journey together to help our communities to be the best they can be. It's the support, knowledge and capacities that you all have that will create the change that we want to see and the change that needs to happen in 2023.  As we begin to think about that next year has to offer, we need to reflect on how we grew and what we learned together. Here is an overview of how we supported you in 2022 to make community essential:

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