We are all on this learning journey together to help our communities to be the best they can be. It's the support, knowledge and capacities that you all have that will create the change that we want to see and the change that needs to happen in 2023. As we begin to think about that next year has to offer, we need to reflect on how we grew and what we learned together. Here is an overview of how we supported you in 2022 to make community essential:
Community is the answer
By defining the deepening community field, we have rooted our movement in a theoretical understanding of the issues and a practical understanding of what is happening on the ground in communities. Our growing membership implements this framework to develop positive change in communities, and our robust supports accelerate efforts and impacts locally. Finally, our growing learning community of nearly 10,000 learners is building the foundation to spread this movement throughout the rest of Canada.
It is building the momentum to deepen community while ensuring efforts to tackle social isolation and loneliness are a priority across all levels of government. We have taken our learnings and have developed 10 - A Guide for Deepening Community that supports community champions, concerned citizens, municipal staff and decision makers such as the mayor and elected officials to build the case to deepen community and make your community essential. There are five sections that will get you thinking about Deepening Community and developing your own local Neighbourhood Strategy.
Here are some ways that you can deepen your learning and get inspired about building community:
Watch a webinar recording
- Thinking Like a System and Leading with Humility
- A Deep Dive into “The Art of Neighboring”
- Creating Safety Through Connection – The Function(s) of a Safe Community
- Making Community Essential: Seven Impacts for Communities and the Policy Shifts to Get There
- Evaluating the Impact of Citizens Sharing Their Gifts – Lessons Learned from Abundant Communities Edmonton
Read a resource
- Citizens take the lead in Vancouver’s Kitsilano neighbourhood
- Building a Heart-Centered Movement in Cooksville
- Connecting Community, the Strategic Way!
- What Is Community?
Check out a blog post
- Recreating our ways to empower people with disabilities
- Would the World Work if We All Were Leaders?
- The Power of Connection and Collaboration: Reflections from Celebrating Neighbours – Measuring the Impact of ABCD
- The Gifts of Strangers: Understanding the Benefits of Diversity
Review a newsletter
- Read March 2022's newsletter
- Read May 2022's newsletter
- Read July 2022's newsletter
- Read September 2022's newsletter
Learn more about the online course we launched this year
A glimpse from our 2022 annual event
- Gil Penalosa Keynote - Celebrating Neighbours - Measuring the impact of ABCD
- Community and Economy Panel - Celebrating Neighbours - Measuring the Impact of ABCD
Save the date for our upcoming 2023 event
Be the first to get details on our upcoming 2023 annual event. Click here to submit your contact information and be the first to know!
Whether you are celebrating Hanukkah, Christmas, Yule, Kwanzaa, Ōmisoka, the Deepening Community team would like to wish you and your communities a safe holiday season and much health, happiness and success in the coming year.
Happy holidays,
Heather Keam, Connor Judge and Astrid Arumae
The Deepening Community Team