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Kimber Kunimoto

Kimber Kunimoto
Kimber recently joined the Communities Building Youth Futures team to support communities in addressing complex issues impacting young people and to develop learning opportunities and resources for community change. She values choice and voice and prioritizes the involvement of people with lived experience in community development.

Kimber s’est récemment jointe à l’équipe de Communautés bâtissant l’avenir des jeunes pour aider les communautés à résoudre les problèmes complexes qui affectent les jeunes, de même que pour aménager des occasions d’apprentissage et développer des ressources pour le changement communautaire. Elle accorde une grande importance à la possibilité de faire des choix et de s’exprimer, et considère qu’il est prioritaire d’impliquer les personnes ayant vécu des expériences en développement communautaire.

Recent Posts

Prototyping Community Change through Youth Engagement

Posted by Kimber Kunimoto on November 5, 2020

What does meaningful youth engagement look like? How can we engage youth in community change? What are common youth engagement challenges and how do you overcome them? These are a few of the questions that we asked as we launched Communities Building Youth Futures (CBYF), Tamarack’s strategy to enable youth engagement and community change in 13 communities across Canada. Youth leadership and engagement are crucial components of this collective impact strategy and so, CBYF launched a Commitment to Youth Engagement.

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Announcing the 2019/20 CBYF Community Innovation Fund Recipients

Posted by Kimber Kunimoto on August 13, 2020

Tamarack Institute’s Communities Building Youth Futures is proud to announce the recipients of our 2019-2020 Community Innovation Fund. See below for a full list of funding recipients, including project descriptions.  Read More

Designing a Commitment to Youth Engagement

Posted by Kimber Kunimoto on August 7, 2020

I came to community change work as a young person with lived experience. I wanted to find community where my peers and other young people felt empowered and heard. I wanted to see youth as leaders and young people given the space to create and innovate. I came to community change work to ignite a shift in how lived experienced is viewed, from less than, to being valuable expertise.

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Reflections on the #ImpactCOVID Online Youth Summit

Posted by Kimber Kunimoto on May 28, 2020

As the COVID-19 pandemic developed, it became apparent to me that no sector was ready for what might come. With rapid change, we are all navigating a new path together and while we don’t know what the future holds, I take comfort in that young people are coming together to address the current needs and prepare for a new world.

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