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WEBINAR | Youth well-being and resilience in pandemic times

Webinars and Videos, Cities Reducing Poverty, Youth, COVID-19, CRP Webinars, CBYF Webinars, Homepage Resources

Youth resilience and well-being are vital to the ability to reach one’s full potential and prevent poverty.

Join us to better understand the impacts on youth well-being and resilience in pandemic times, as well as effective strategies for overcoming these challenges.

Speakers: William Laurie, Eva Oberle, Hasina Samji and Mike Hooker

Moderator: Jill Zacharias

Presentation slide decks:

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Vibrant Communities

By Vibrant Communities

Vibrant Communities supports cities and local leaders to develop and implement large-scale change initiatives through four learning networks: Ending Poverty, Deepening Community, Building Youth Futures and Climate Transitions. Our belief is that when we are effective in strengthening community capacity to engage citizens, lead collaboratively, deepen community and reduce poverty, our work contributes to the building of peace and more equitable society.

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