Community is the lifeblood of every place. Positive relationships between neighbours boosts the wellbeing of everyone in the neighbourhood. Tapping into and investing in social capital is essential for developing thriving neighbourhoods. When governments and agencies partner with community, new possibilities emerge and the impact can be exponentially greater even when addressing global issues such as climate change and pandemics.
In this webinar, Jim Diers and Cathy Urquhart explore the power of communities and neighbourhoods to affect change locally and globally.
Take Your Learning Further:
- For inspiring stories of community building during COVID visit Tamarack's Community Building and COVID-19 page.
- Read:
- Social Connection Needed in battle Against Coronavirus by Jim Deirs
- When Community Becomes ‘Unessential’ by Paul Born
- Community is All Around Us When We Open Our Eyes and Hearts by Heather Keam