Three Pillars for Action: Waterloo's Proposed Neighbourhood Strategy

Posted on February 12, 2018
By Natasha Pei

On January 16, 2018, Waterloo's City Council unanimously approved the proposed neighbourhood strategy, and have given the go-ahead to pursue feedback from the community.


The strategy identifies three categories ("pillars") for action:

Pillar 1: Encourage neighbourhood interactions

Pillar 2: Empower neighbours to lead

Pillar 3: Build a corporate City culture and policy environment that support neighbourhood-led and delivered initiatives

Actions that fall under these categories include creating a culture of neighbourliness, building genuine connections between residents, providing more opportunities and indoor spaces for neighbours to connect, providing training to neighbourhood groups regarding volunteerism, and more.

With the first draft approved, and their final round of public engagement recently concluded on February 11, 2018, their next steps are to go back to Council, based on the feedback they heard, with a revised strategy that is aligned with the communities' priorities and goals for Waterloo neighbourhoods.

Access the Full Strategy 

Also, importantly for other neighbourhood developers or municipalities getting started in neighbourhood work, in January 2017 the City of Waterloo completed a scan of municipalities leading neighbourhood strategies. Read their report for a comparison of strategies in eight single and lower-tier municipalities across Canada, as well as an overview of five different types of strategies that municipalities are adopting.

Access the Scan 

Neighbourhood Strategy, Natasha Pei, Cities Deepening Community

Natasha Pei

By Natasha Pei

Natasha Pei brings online content to life and engages our members in the Vibrant Communities learning centre for poverty reduction. Natasha's involvement with Tamarack began with the Communities First: Impacts of Community Engagement (CFICE) project, where she worked as a Research Assistant in the Poverty Reduction Hub, studying effective ways community-campus engagement can be undertaken to have real benefits for the community.

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