Implementing strategies that deliver change through The Six Lenses Strategy tool. When thinking of products, services or programs we can use these different lenses as a tool to for positive change.
Designing for Change: The Six Lenses Strategy
Traditional approaches to strategy sessions often miss out on valuable voices in the room. There is a tendency for these sessions to be skewed towards those who can speak the loudest or for decisions to be made based on the perspectives of those who hold the power in the team.
The Six Lenses Strategy is a powerful tool to design for change. When we intentionally use our sense-making, perception and empathy, we can:
• dream and envision what is possible
• decide on strategies that are inclusive and equitable
• come up with ways to restore relationships and connections
• think of what can benefit future generations
• harvest the gems and strengths from our past experiences
• weave all these together in a comprehensive whole
This tool is about flexing our ability to look at issues, activities and social happenings around us using different lenses. This Six Lenses Strategy can help us define what products, services or programs we can design and decide on what will be beneficial for all. It help us to come up with strategies that will deliver change. Here are the 6 Lenses:
The Dreamer Looks at Possibilities: Envisions and Explores the Moonshot
Guiding Questions:
• What can we make into reality?
• What is the dream we are holding?
• What is the "end in mind"?
• How might we explore what is possible?
The Futurist Takes the Fate of Future Generations to Heart
Guiding Questions:
• Is this stealing from or securing well-being for future generations?
• What legacy did it leave behind?
• What will the future 7th generation say?
• How might future generations benefit from this?
The Activist Works on Inviting Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and Justice
Guiding Questions:
• Whose voice do we still need to hear from?
• What needs to change?
• Who do we need to invite?
• how is this fair for all, including our planet?
• How might we make it equitable?
The Healer is the Restorer of Relationships: Not Only to Oneself or to Others But Also to The World
Guiding Questions:
• Who and what needs care?
• What needs to be celebrated, and acknowledged?
• Who or what needs mending? needs forgiveness?
• Who do we need to connect?
• How might we restore and revitalize connections?
The Elder Brings the Wisdom, Stories, Strengths and Gifts of The Past
Guiding Questions:
• How did our past contribute to this?
• Where do we see this pattern in our histories? What may we need to break away from?
• What boundaries do we need to honour?
• How might we use what already exists?
• How might we learn from our history?
The Weaver is Entrusted with Responsibility to Integrate all the Different Lenses
Guiding Questions:
• What needs to be included and highlighted?
• How can we best connect all these ideas to make a decision that is suitable for all, including our planet?
• What am I hearing? Where do I see connections or common ground?
• How might we weave all these lenses?
Now try this out in your next team meeting or the next time you need to strategize or make a decision. Pick people to fill in the role of a dreamer, activist, healer, futurist, elder, and weaver. How would these 6 lenses provide you with a different strategy?
You can download a free copy of the 11-pages tool guide, complete with instructions, printable worksheets and strategy cards here. Please do share with me how this tool resonated with you and how you used it in your organization, teams and communities.
- Learn more about Lana
- Free copy of the 11-pages tool guide Designing for Change: Six Lenses Strategy
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