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Systems Leadership
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WEBINAR | Systems Leadership in Action

Evaluating Community Impact, Webinars and Videos, Evaluation, Systems Change, Community Change, Pamela Teitelbaum

In this webinar, Pamela Teitelbaum, our Director of Evaluating Impact will hosted Tatiana Fraser and Rachel Sinha from Systems Sanctuary to share an overview of the capabilities and capacities of systems leadership

Complex challenges of the moment, like the Corona Virus crisis, climate change, rising economic inequality and gender-based violence call for new ways of leading. These new approaches demand leaders to move away from traditional hero style leadership towards relational approaches and emergence. While systems practice has risen in prominence over the last five years, it is often seen as rooted in western academia, and inaccessible.

This hour-long interactive session combined reflection with an opportunity to assess your own skills and experience in the context of your work. From their research, Tatiana and Rachel surfaced some of the key capacities, capabilities and strategies for systems leadership.

Take Your Learning Further:

  • Starting October 13, small, international Cohort 
    On Systems Change 101, Systems Leadership, Systems Mapping, Strategy for Systems Change, Working across Difference, Building Ecosystems for Positive Change and Reflective Practice.

  • Tatiana and Juniper Glass published Bridging the fields of feminist and systems practice: Building ecosystems for gender equity. Sharing insights, new frameworks and lessons from four years of work with eight systems change collaboratives in Canada.

  • Building ecosystems for Positive Change
    You, along with a team or community - are starting to nurture a new ecosystem for systems change.
    In this guide we share common challenges we see our colleagues come up against to remind you you’re not alone, along with some insights and frameworks that have helped us and those that we wish we’d had when we were in this stage of development.
the Tamarack Institute

By the Tamarack Institute

The Tamarack Institute is a connected force of more than 40,000 engaged practitioners and policymakers who work collaboratively to advance positive community change. Learn more here

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