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WEBINAR | People, Practice, and Transformational Change

Collective Impact, Webinars and Videos, Liz Weaver, Systems Change, Community Change

In this webinar, John Kania and Liz Weaver discuss the challenges we face while working for transformational change and impact.

John Kania is a change leader. During his time with FSG, the framing and design of collective impact transformed how communities across the globe tackled complex problems. The simple premise focused on working collectively, across sectors in a common purpose. Since the publication of Collective Impact in the Stanford Social Innovation Review in 2011, community leaders have been working collectively to achieve change.

Tamarack has been a co-catalyst partner of FSG and the Collective Impact forum since 2011. Tamarack’s network of Cities Reducing Poverty brings together cross-sector community partners to tackle the inter-related root causes of poverty.

While progress is being made on many fronts, intractable problems are still vexing communities. In launching the Collective Change Lab, John is diving deeper into what it takes to truly achieve deep and durable systems change. The focus of the Community Change Lab will include investing in people, processes and reinventing change practices.

The innovative Collective Change Lab will focus on research, practice and leadership development. Join us in conversation with John Kania as we explore the challenges of achieving transformative change and impact.

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the Tamarack Institute

By the Tamarack Institute

The Tamarack Institute is a connected force of more than 40,000 engaged practitioners and policymakers who work collaboratively to advance positive community change. Learn more here

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