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WEBINAR | Celebrating the Evolution and Future of Collective Impact

Collective Impact, Webinars and Videos, Sylvia Cheuy, Community Change, Homepage Resources

In this webinar, Sylvia Cheuy invites Jennifer Splansky Juster and Junious Williams to explore the implications of Collective Impact’s revised definition; profile additional insights from the 10-year anniversary series and highlight what they see as emerging challenges and opportunities for the decade ahead as the work of Collective Impact continues to advance.

Perhaps the most significant evolution in the practice of Collective Impact is a revised definition that explicitly recognizes equity as “the North Star” for why and how of collective impact. This new definition is:

"Collective impact is a network of community members, organizations, and institutions who advance equity by learning together, aligning, and integrating their actions to achieve population and systems-level change."

Speakers: Jennifer Splansky Juster and Junious Williams

Moderator: Sylvia Cheuy


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By the Tamarack Institute

The Tamarack Institute is a connected force of more than 40,000 engaged practitioners and policymakers who work collaboratively to advance positive community change. Learn more here

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