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Talking to your Community about Collective Impact - Making it Real

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WEBINAR | Talking to your Community about Collective Impact - Overview

Collective Impact, Webinars and Videos, Communication, Communities Building Youth Futures, CBYF Webinars

As a leader in your community’s collective impact initiative, you will likely be asked to talk about the project and its approach with all sorts of groups and organizations across the community. The aim of this video is to help you prepare for talking to your community about Collective Impact from the perspective of Turning the Tide, a Collective Impact initiative that is part of the Communities Building Youth Futures network.

Specifically, this video will:

  • Highlight what is important for people to know about Collective Impact 
  • Provide insights as to how do you can your presentation to meet your audience's needs
  • Share advice from Turning the Tide's experience in Collective Impact 


Putting it to Practice

  • How to Develop a Common Agenda for a Collective Impact: A 5 Step Guide is a paper written by Paul Born that provides a 'how-to' approach for developing a common agenda when working on Collective Impact initiatives. I
  • Collaboration is a key component of collective impact, and that means that sharing roles and building capacity within your backbone team and leadership table is crucial. Think about how you can engage more people to be part of your outreach and communication efforts. Use the Tool: Personal Asset Inventory to take inventory of the assets within your team and determine how they can be used to move the collective work forward. 
  • Consider how do we write in a way that is appealing to youth and people with lived experience? How do we get them to pay attention? This blog will help you prepare your written communication about Collective Impact   

Next Steps

  • Think about who are the assets within your leadership table to help your communication efforts

Turning the Tide is one of three Collective Impact initiatives in Nova Scotia, nested in the non-profit organization Inspiring Communities. Inspiring Communities uses a Collective Impact approach to tackle tough social problems. Turning the Tide brings together residents, business, government, and community to work on complex problems that can’t be solved by one group alone. Their work is community-centred, collaborative, focused on doing things differently, and committed to learning from the experience. Turning the Tide's work is located in the Digby area.

the Tamarack Institute

By the Tamarack Institute

The Tamarack Institute is a connected force of more than 40,000 engaged practitioners and policymakers who work collaboratively to advance positive community change. Learn more here

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