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Reflecting Together: Results and Implications of our 2022 Members Survey

Cities Reducing Poverty, Learning, Tamarack Institute, Membership, Cities Deepening Community, Communities Building Youth Futures, community, Communities Ending Poverty, Climate Transitions

In July and August 2022, midway through the second year of Tamarack 2030 plan, you – Tamarack’s learners – participated in a survey designed to understand your current interests and needs, your hopes for how Tamarack will support your work, and the impact of Tamarack's support so far.

We are grateful for the care that so many of you put into responding. We are thrilled to share a summary of what we learned from you, and of how the learnings will inform our work in the year to come.

Deepen your learning:

the Tamarack Institute

By the Tamarack Institute

The Tamarack Institute is a connected force of more than 40,000 engaged practitioners and policymakers who work collaboratively to advance positive community change. Learn more here

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