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GUIDE | Community Climate Start-Up - Thinking Like an Entrepreneur

Community Building, Community Change, Guides, Climate Change, Homepage Resources, CCT Publications, Climate Transitions

This resource is also available in French. Click here to access the French version.

Climate work is community work and taking action starts in our towns and cities. Reducing our emissions, developing climate adaptation and resilience plans, and getting residents to protect and improve the neighbourhoods they live in takes a ‘whole-community’ approach.

While the climate crisis can feel like a colossal challenge to tackle, it is through agency and action that residents, grassroots groups, non-profits and many social enterprises are generating hope as they show what can be done.

The challenge for many of these groups is how to become financially sustainable as the projects and the scale of climate work continue to ramp up across the country. Much of this work is currently still underfunded or it is entirely run by volunteers.

Our Climate Entrepreneurship Guide was conceived to help individuals and citizen-led groups at the early stages of their journey take their first steps moving from grassroots status to a sustainable entity. Among the strategies explored in this resource, we introduce and explore the Collective Impact approach. Download the Guide and dive in to learn more!

If you’re hungry for more, or you’re ready for the next step in this journey, don’t miss our complementary resource, the Collective Climate Action Funding resource.

the Tamarack Institute

By the Tamarack Institute

The Tamarack Institute is a connected force of more than 40,000 engaged practitioners and policymakers who work collaboratively to advance positive community change. Learn more here

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