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SDGs Webinar

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WEBINAR | Communities Localizing the Sustainable Development Goals (en anglais seulement)

Webinars and Videos, Climate Change, Climate Transitions, CCT Webinar, CCT FR Webinar

During the annual Communities Ending Poverty (CEP) gathering in May 2021, Tamarack hosted a workshop on how two Communities Ending Poverty members – Oxford County and Alberni Clayoquot Health Network – have been advancing a holistic view of sustainable development in their communities, aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals.  


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Vibrant Communities

By Vibrant Communities

Vibrant Communities supports cities and local leaders to develop and implement large-scale change initiatives through four learning networks: Ending Poverty, Deepening Community, Building Youth Futures and Climate Transitions. Our belief is that when we are effective in strengthening community capacity to engage citizens, lead collaboratively, deepen community and reduce poverty, our work contributes to the building of peace and more equitable society.

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