Young people are facing a range of systemic issues that will significantly impact their futures as they enter the job market, start families, and seek financial prosperity. However, they are being faced with financial crises, a labour market becoming increasingly precarious, growing inequality, climate change, and amidst COVID-19, social norms will never be the same.
This webinar brings young Basic Income advocates, researchers and observers together to discuss Basic Income as a potential national social policy for Canada; including the unique challenges of the gig economy and recommendations for how our political institutions can - and should - respond.
Take Your Learning Further:
- Read: Emma's Article, Ontario Government Defends Nixing Basic Income After Study Shows Trial's Benefits
- Explore: McMaster University's report, Southern Ontario's Basic Income Experience
- Watch: A webinar animating key findings of the McMaster report, Findings from Ontario's Basic Income Experience
- Read: Basic Income Canada Network's report presenting three feasible BI models for Canada, Some Policy Options for Canada
- Visit: Basic Income CoP Resource Library - A compilation of webinars, learning highlights, and resources from our Basic Income series.
- Watch: 10-minute short film, Universal Basic Income Explained
- Explore: ACTRA's call on the federal government to extend CERB beyond the current 16-week maximum period
- Visit: The Basic Income Canada Youth Network