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WEBINAR | Basic Income and Youth

Webinars and Videos, Cities Reducing Poverty, Youth, Basic Income, CBYF Webinars

Young people are facing a range of systemic issues that will significantly impact their futures as they enter the job market, start families, and seek financial prosperity. However, they are being faced with financial crises, a labour market becoming increasingly precarious, growing inequality, climate change, and amidst COVID-19, social norms will never be the same.

This webinar brings young Basic Income advocates, researchers and observers together to discuss Basic Income as a potential national social policy for Canada; including the unique challenges of the gig economy and recommendations for how our political institutions can - and should - respond.


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By the Tamarack Institute

The Tamarack Institute is a connected force of more than 40,000 engaged practitioners and policymakers who work collaboratively to advance positive community change. Learn more here

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