Welcome to the May/June Special Edition of the Cities Reducing Poverty Policy Digest, which aims to provide you with timely poverty-related policy updates and resources from across Canada. This edition is dedicated to policies, articles and resources related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Statistics Canada Data Perspective and Insights for a Better Canada
Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan and promising new policies created
Survey on COVID-19 Impact to Canadians still open, inviting participation in data collection for Statistics Canada from all Canadians
First Ministers’ statement on shared public health approach to support restarting the economy
National Policy Updates and Related Articles:
Statistics Canada April Labour Force Survey shows over $3 Million Canadians affected by unemployment or reduced work, May Labour Force survey shows unemployment rate at 13.7% but Canada added 290,000 jobs
Statistics Canada First Results survey on impact of COVID-19 for Canadians; the impact of COVID-19 on the gig economy and work interruptions and financial vulnerability
Canadian Economic Dashboard and COVID-19 presents selected indicators to help monitor the impact of the pandemic on economic activity in Canada.
Backgrounder: Support to Canadians and businesses affected by COVID-19
Canada Economic Response Benefit (CERB) will continue as long as Canadians need it
CERB proves it’s time for a basic income but a basic income is no substitute for good employment insurance
COVID-19 provides lessons in how a Guaranteed Basic Income could work
Social Policy Trends: Implications for Disability Assistance clients
Government announces funding for the social and economic inclusion of persons with disabilities
$350 million fund for community groups and not-for-profit organizations
Support for farmers, food businesses and food supply in recognition of essential service provided by all workers in food supply chain
Urban Indigenous population could be hardest hit
Funding to support organizations accelerating action on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Canada
Canada Summer Jobs starts rolling out to support young people in working during COVID-19
Billions of aid for energy and arts sector
New Canada Emergency Student Benefit
Federal government giving provinces and territories $3 Billion to boost essential workers' wages
Thousands of businesses start applying for Wage Subsidy Program which covers 75% of wages for employers
Families receive a one-time top-up of $300 through the Canada Child Benefit in May, delivering almost $2 billion in extra support across the country
Seniors to receive up to $500 to offset added living costs due to COVID-19
The end of economic growth - the health crisis exacerbating problems in a system already under strain
Canada declared to be in a recession
Women struggling to get back into work as 'she-recession' hits and jobs for women fall behind
Campaign 2000 writes letter supported by over 250 anti-poverty groups and allies calling for more action on child poverty in federal COVID response plan
Moving towards a healthier, more equitable society - COVID-19 a fast track to 'health in all policies'
Time to treat poverty as a matter of public health
More can be done to provide critical internet access for low-income households
How food banks prop up a broken system
Overcrowding and poor infrastructure point to disproportionate effect of COVID-19 on low-income neighbourhoods
COVID-19 hot spots draw attention to the need to re-think poverty
Cities must now turn to recovery and long-term sustainable solutions
A call for a reimagined Canada, not a return to normal
Comparing provincial policy responses to COVID-19
Updates by Province and Territory:
Alberta’s Relaunch Strategy
Phased re-opening of society starting in May seeing careful restrictions lifted
Government rolls out Emergency Isolation Support Program successfully distributing funds to over 94,235 eligible Albertans since launch of the program
Government provides $60 million in additional emergency funding to Family and Community Support Services for non-profits, charities and civil society organizations to support their COVID-19 response
Direct Energy Emergency Fund jointly created by Direct Energy, the United Way of Calgary and Area and United Way of the Alberta Capital Region
Childcare could be the lynchpin in recovery efforts
British Columbia:
Government releases BC COVID-19 Action Plan and updates plan to restart BC safely
A closer look at BC's Action Plan shares the good and where the gaps are
The province to relocate hundreds of people who are homeless to vacate hotels
Applications open for Emergency Benefit for Workers, a one-time tax-free payment of $1000
Joint statement on province’s COVID-19 response by minister of health and provincial health officer
Emergency Response Centre opening in Victoria
British Columbia to share ideas virtually for Budget 2021
Minimum wage increase takes effect
Province strengthens protection for renters experiencing violence
Province honours outstanding contributions that combat racism
Province awards funding for local poverty reduction plans
Provincial government updates and support for individuals
Manitoba moves to postpone evictions and freeze rent increases
Manitoba Public Insurance is giving back up to $110 million in order to provide financial relief to its policy holders
The Seniors' Economic Credit provides a $200 one-time, refundable tax credit to Manitoba seniors facing additional costs due to the COVID-19 pandemic
Province taking steps to make home and business property insurance more affordable to Manitobans by accelerating the removal of $75 million of annual PST from residential and business properties, saving residential property owners an estimated $38 million per year and business property owners $37 million a year
Make Poverty History advocates for supplement to support basic needs for people on disability and income assistance during pandemic
Province and union reach deal to avoid layoffs for employees
Manitoba’s economy rebounds by 13,100 jobs
New Brunswick:
Province introduces a one-time $900 Emergency Worker’s Benefit for workers and the self-employed who have lost their job due to COVID-19 and are waiting for federal emergency benefits
One-time $750 Emergency Bridging Fund for Vulnerable Post-Secondary Students
Launch of support in capital loans of up to $100,000 for small businesses
Expanding the Community Investment Fund to allow small and medium non-profits to apply for $500-$10,000 in administrative/overhead funding and projects related to COVID-19
School is cancelled for the rest of the year and province calling for everyone to donate technology to help students get online for 2.5 hours of instruction per day
The Government of New Brunswick introduced retroactive job protection measures for those whose work is affected by COVID-19
New Brunswick launches a job-matching website to fill jobs typically done by temporary foreign workers, particularly in agriculture and aquaculture.
Province is providing iPads to nursing home residents to help them keep connected with loved ones
Covering the cost of emergency childcare spaces for essential workers
Province to top up health care workers
New Brunswick has purchased 1,000 iPads with data plans, 500 laptops and 300 MiFi hubs to equip students for home learning
Newfoundland and Labrador:
Provincial updates include launching the Double Bubble policy where households can spend time with one another and resources to support vulnerable populations
Newfoundland and Labrador COVID-19 Pandemic Update Data Hub
Notice to Employers regarding COVID-19 and Immigration Programs in Newfoundland and Labrador
Nova Scotia:
Nova Scotians on income assistance are receiving an extra $50 with each payment
Introduced a rent deferral program for businesses for three months and ban on commercial evictions
Launched a virtual school meal pilot program giving students $10/day credit to use at local restaurants
Allocated $535,000 to transition houses and other organizations supporting women and children
Has automatically suspended student loan payments until September 30, 2020 without interest
Created a one-time $1,000 Worker Emergency Bridge Fund for low-income workers and the self-employed
Nova Scotia Power, EfficiencyOne and the Government of Nova Scotia giving $3 million to community organizations that deliver prepared meals, operate soup kitchens, help those experiencing homelessness and provide other services to help vulnerable families seniors and youth
Government is covering additional dispensing fees for Pharmacare program prescription refills and waiving $5.00 prescription co-pay for people in the Income Assistance program and the Low-Income Pharmacare for Children program
Distributed 800 iPads to long-term care homes across the province so residents can connect with family and friends
Nova Scotia and the Canadian Agricultural Partnership are providing more funds to help food producers
Province investing $230M in infrastructure projects to employ workers and get the economy moving again
Province will provide up to $2000 bonus for health care workers
Northwest Territories:
Government launches unified COVID-19 response website
Emerging Wisely - Path set to ease public health restrictions
Funding provision for low wage workers
Government offers rent relief
$4 million Support for Entrepreneurs and Economic Development Program (SEED) to focus on business recovery
Northwest Territories will receive $6 million through the Indigenous Community Support Fund; funds are for a variety of responses to COVID-19, including food security
The federal government is providing $2.6 million to be administered by the Government of Northwest Territories through existing agreements with Indigenous governments to provide support in getting out on the land as part of the Community Harvesters Assistance Program
Government updates and support measures
Nunavut remains the only part in Canada that is coronavirus free
$17 Billion package revealed on March 26
Ontario announces plans for Stage 1 easing of COVID-19 restrictions in May, rolling out of Stage 2 in June
$50 million to provide emergency payments emergency payments for Ontario Works income support programs, and $148 million to support food banks and other community organizations
Reduced hydro bills to lowest rates for residents, small businesses and farms for 45 days
Province providing $200 Million in social services relief funding
Ontario providing a one-time payment of $200 to families for childcare while childcare centres are closed
Ontario increasing pay for health care workers and an additional $250 for anyone working 100+ hours per month.
Ontario expands eligibility of essential workers to access free emergency childcare spaces
Ontario has created a COVID-19 Action Plan for Vulnerable People
Province establishes partnerships with Rogers and Apple distribute iPads with free wireless data to students who don’t have internet or technology to learn online at home
Ontario partners with SPARCK volunteer hub to keep seniors and the most vulnerable people stay connected while they isolate
Stabilizing the non-profit sector to rebuild Ontario
Affordability Fund helps ease electricity bills
Province assembling a Premier's Council on Equality of Opportunity, a new advisory group for young people
Province supporting Black communities to address the disproportionate impacts of COVID-19 by allocating $1.5M to organizations that support Black families and youth
Ontario is investing $150M in reliable broadband and cellular service to rural and remote underserved areas of Ontario
Extension of Infectious Diseaser Emergency Leave for workers
Ontario investing $11M to help the Ontario Community Support Program deliver hot meals, medicine and other essentials to low-income seniors and people with a disability and $1.3M over two years to remove physical barriers in buildings
Ontario re-deploying education workers to fill staff shortages at hospitals, long-term care homes, retirement homes and shelters
Ontario gives $1M to organizations supporting gender-based violence and human trafficking during COVID-19
Prince Edward Island:
Provincial Update on COVID-19 Initiatives
Province announces plan to ease restrictions
Financial help in response to COVID-19
Measures adopted by Orders in Council and Ministerial Orders for COVID-19
Quebec to top up wages for low-wage workers
Province reserves emergency daycare services exclusively for essential service workers
Student loan debt repayment suspended for 6 months, including borrowers whose accounts are in collection
Temporary Aid Program created for workers who cannot work due to being in isolation and not eligible for other federal programs
Launch of Open School platform while schools are closed
Quebec is topping up pay for Quebecers to work on a farm to attract residents and enable farms to stay in production
Caisse de depot et placement du Quebec giving $4 Billion to businesses needing financial support and $300,000 to Centraide Montreal, Canadian Red Cross, and Little Brothers
Re-Open Saskatchewan plan is launched to lift restrictions in 5 phases
Building a Strong Saskatchewan: Provincial Economic Recovery stimulus
Saskatchewan Small Business Emergency Payment is announced
The Ministry of Advanced Education to provide $1.5 Million financial aid to help students whose studies and jobs have been affected as the province tries to contain the spread of the virus
Workers helping Saskatchewan’s vulnerable citizens through the COVID-19 pandemic will have their salaries topped up by a cost-shared $400 per month temporary wage supplement
A Call to Action to support the most vulnerable
Saskatchewan economy on the rebound
Municipal Economic Enhancement Fund now live, to support communities as part of the province’s two-year stimulus in economic recovery and local job creation
Yukon Territory:
COVID-19 Support for Yukoners
Phase 1 of lifting restrictions
The Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce includes federal and territorial announcements
Business Relief Funding is introduced for Yukoners
The Latest Policy Resources and Perspectives:
- Project Pandemic: Canada Reports on COVID-19 - Data co-op and collaboration
First Policy Response
- Canada’s Policy Community Response to COVID-19 includes key topics: Income support for individuals, support for business, support for the community sector and support for the vulnerable
Federation for Canadian Municipalities -
- COVID Municipal Hub features federal, provincial/territorial tools and resources for communities and businesses
Prosper Canada -
- Financial Relief Navigator for people to help raise income or lower expenses
COVID-19 Resources and Responses
Help people to pay their rent - 3 Good Ideas
Reconstructing care for seniors
Broadbent Institute
COVID-19 Resource and Response Centre
BC’s swift response to COVID-19 sets the bar for other provinces
Long term post recovery strategy
Survey results What does post-COVID recovery look like?
Open Policy Ontario
Why talking about the CERB paves the way to a conversation about eradicating poverty
Centre for Policy Alternatives
Report: Financial Insecurity and COVID-19
The Monitor: Putting Housing Poverty on Notice
The Bank of Canada and Crisis Management - COVID-19 and Beyond
Canadian Urban Institute -
City Watch Canada tracks emergency measures put in place by local governments
City Share Canada crowdsourcing platform for tools, resources and stories
Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness
Homeless Hub
Report: How the Youth-Serving Sector is Coping with the Crisis
How to: Finding and Securing Housing in an Outbreak
Angus Reid
COVID-19 affects mental and financial health - who fares worse?
Coronavirus economic outlook finds Canadians’ personal financial optimism improves for the coming year
Provincial outlook for June
United Way Canada
National COVID-19 Response
Seniors in Vulnerable Situations getting the help they need
The inequities of reopening
What does the crisis mean for economy and recovery?
Canadian Urban Sustainability Practitioners
Municipal Finance and COVID-19