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CASE STUDY | Saskatoon's Journey to a Common Agenda for Collective Impact

Collective Impact, Cities Reducing Poverty

What does it take to achieve meaningful and inclusive change? Saskatoon’s Poverty Reduction Partnership has adopted a unique and comprehensive Collective Impact approach that entails a challenging but necessary journey of confronting its past and present, guided by Truth and Reconciliation, in order to bridge relationships and develop a community plan.

This case study presents the Saskatoon Poverty Reduction Partnership and the developing of their common agenda on their journey to collective impact.

Vibrant Communities

By Vibrant Communities

Vibrant Communities supports cities and local leaders to develop and implement large-scale change initiatives through four learning networks: Ending Poverty, Deepening Community, Building Youth Futures and Climate Transitions. Our belief is that when we are effective in strengthening community capacity to engage citizens, lead collaboratively, deepen community and reduce poverty, our work contributes to the building of peace and more equitable society.

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