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ARTICLE | Climate and the Sustainable Development Goals | Part 2 | Transforming Energy, Jobs & Industry

Workforce Development, Homepage Resources, CCT Publications, Climate Transitions, SDGs, Laura Schnurr

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The climate crisis is a complex, multi-faceted challenge. There are countless intersections between climate change and a range of other issues such as poverty, hunger, equality, employment, and sustainable land and water. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a useful framework for unpacking these linkages.

This two-part series explores the interconnections between SDG 13: Climate Action and other goals, through 10 articles by diverse community changemakers across Canada.

Part 2 of two publications

Part 2 of this two-part series explores the transformations we need to make to our economic and energy systems to effectively decarbonize while achieving diverse co-benefits for society as a whole and specifically those at risk of being left behind.


The pieces and authors profiled in this publication are:

  • Climate policies make energy more affordable: energy efficiency for low-income households – Hannah Muhajarine
  • The challenges of transitioning to electric vehicles in Canada – Jill Mills
  • Green jobs: the intersection of climate change and unemployment – Pragya Dawadi
  • From ‘take-make-waste' to a circular and regenerative economy – Matthew Carreau


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By the Tamarack Institute

The Tamarack Institute is a connected force of more than 40,000 engaged practitioners and policymakers who work collaboratively to advance positive community change. Learn more here

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