The Compounding Effect of Capacity Building

Posted on May 1, 2023
By the Tamarack Institute


Participants of the Community Change Experience held in Delray Beach, Florida, in October 2022


Tamarack’s Learning Centre works with everyday people dedicated to crafting a brighter tomorrow through positive social change, and we do this by helping to build the capacities of our learners and members across various sectors.  

We believe that, the more people we reach, the greater impact we have. In 2022, over 12,400 individuals connected to the Tamarack learning centre offerings which included workshops, courses, webinars, coaching and consulting services.

Every one of these people has a community and a hope, and they connect with the learning centre to get support in making change happen: 

  • They gain friends and allies in sister communities across the globe.
  • They learn the principles and skill sets of changemaking and effective ways of working that create powerful and lasting community and systems impacts. 
  • They gain the confidence to try new things and build relationships across sectors and across differences


People who connected with the learning centre shared how: 

“Tamarack challenged traditional ways of doing things; re-thinking policy and collaborative processes to achieve change; developed respect and appreciation for diversity in groups and processes.”

“[Tamarack] Helped us to talk things through, know what other similar communities are doing and what’s working well for them, bouncing ideas off, and getting confirmation/re-visioning on best practices.”


In October 2022, Tamarack partnered with the Palm Health Foundation and Tenacious Change to host the Community Change Experience in Delray Beach, Florida. Over three days, 150 community engagers, practitioners, and innovators from across North America came together to share ideas, successes, and failures, and apply this learning to community change work where they live.

When asked what they’ll do differently because of participating in the gathering, participants shared the following insights: 

"Listen more and talk less. I learned the importance of taking genuine interest to hear from others on how to show up instead of pushing our work onto others just to hit an outcome."

"Recognize power structure and use my power unapologetically to help people reclaim ownership of their communities."

"Thank you for bringing together such a diverse and vibrant group of like-minded individuals. This was an amazing opportunity to learn, discuss, brainstorm, and get energized about making changes in our community! I was excited to get home and implement the things I'd learned."

"Thank you for realizing how important to charge ourselves up so we can help charge others."


The compound effect happens when individuals make small behavior changes that build into life-changing results over time. Tamarack's Learning Centre asks you to imagine what will happen when 12,400 people each have one conversation that matters. What will it look like when those conversations lead to trusting relationships, and those relationships lead to healthy collaboration? And, finally, when those leaders demonstrate that community-engaged processes create more equitable outcomes, what can we expect? It is a compounding effect that can change our world. 

Community Building, Learning, #Changemakers

the Tamarack Institute

By the Tamarack Institute

The Tamarack Institute is a connected force of more than 40,000 engaged practitioners and policymakers who work collaboratively to advance positive community change. Learn more here

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