Welcome to the July/August 2020 Edition of the Cities Reducing Poverty Policy Digest, which aims to provide you with timely poverty-related policy updates and resources from across Canada.
Statistics Canada Data Perspective and Insights for a Better Canada
July Labour Force Survey
Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan and promising new policies created
Survey on COVID-19 Impact to Canadians open, now inviting participation on Experiences of Discrimination from all Canadians
Survey to contribute to FCM’s Sustainable Procurement Barometer, a reference to evaluate the sustainability of procurement and identify potential for improvement within organizations, open until August 28
Canadian Black Policy Network, a network for opportunities to collectively develop innovative and sustainable solutions for policy issues affecting Canada’s Black communities, is launched
National Policy Updates and Related Articles:
Government announces end of CERB and transition to EI by end of August
Federal Wage Subsidy extended until December
Canada Childcare Benefit increasing again
Federal government announces more support for childcare for parents returning to work
National deficit soaring, leading to permanent change to the economy; Canada’s fiscal picture predicts $343 billion deficit – nearly 16% of the country’s GDP
CERB may be paving the way to a new national guaranteed basic income; survey shows Canadian interest in a universal basic income
The unique impacts of COVID-19 on Indigenous businesses
Could shelter hotels be a model for addressing homelessness?
Food insecurity significant toll on healthcare system
As back to school looms, some parents forming private learning pods and critics warn of greater class divides
Policy Proposals and Campaigns
Groups call for CERB repayment amnesty
Report - Seven principles to align COVID-19 recovery with Canada's Climate Commitments
UBI Works campaign proposes $500 universal top-up to all Canadians plus a top-up to $2,000 as a guaranteed income to anyone who falls below this
Building Black Policy Networks: Toward Black inclusion in Canadian governance systems
National Recovery for All campaign to end homelessness continues; Proposals to Strengthen the National Housing Strategy and Homelessness
Updates by Province and Territory:
Getting Albertans back to work supportive initiatives
New DIY Kits Campaign launched by United Way Alberta to volunteer at home and help the community
Infrastructure investment boosts jobs and economy by spending in rural communities on local projects
Creating jobs and reducing emissions with technology
The Masks of Albertans provides 40 million non-medical masks
COVID-19 funding for First Nations colleges
British Columbia:
Agreement from British Columbians of all political stripes - post-pandemic policy should lift vulnerable people out of poverty
Creation of first ever navigation centre to help people experiencing homelessness in Vancouver
New affordable homes for families and seniors
Service BC providing self-isolation check ins with a kind approach
Doors open at Royal Columbian’s mental health and substance abuse centre
Province will spend $31.2 million this year to improve social housing units available to low-income Manitoban
Urban and off-reserve Indigenous organizations get funding boost through Indigenous Community Support Fund, for care packages for vulnerable communities, increase mental health supports, educational supports for children and food security during this pandemic.
Government says a promised pay bonus for nearly 80,000 workers on the front lines
New Brunswick:
Program launched to exemplary service by individuals during COVID-19
High school students of middle and low-income families can receive up to $600 each to purchase a laptop in preparation for the shift to tech-based learning
Provincial government supports plan Saint John neighbourhood
Newfoundland and Labrador:
Government considers unlocking pensions for COVID relief
New mental health teams launching throughout Newfoundland and Labrador
Seafood Marketing and Innovation Fund to support expansion and create jobs
New mental health and addictions hospital being created
Nova Scotia:
Nova Scotia opens new safe house for survivors of human trafficking
Invest Nova Scotia Fund invests $2 million to food, diversity and aerospace initiatives
Northwest Territories:
COVID-19 Community Toolkit
Government announces new supports to help post-secondary students
New funding for early learning and childcare infrastructure
Mental Health project to improve care
Tracking and recovering for employees returning to workplace
Continues to be COVID-free, and carves a path forward with easing of restrictions
Students head back to class amid new safety protocols
Federal government commits additional funding for essential flights to remote communities
Ontario investing $150 million to bring all regions to national broadband speeds; telecommunication service providers, municipalities, Indigenous communities and non-profits are invited to submit innovative proposals by August 21
Bill 184, the Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act, passed reading and royal assent to become law; eviction bans now lifted in Ontario
Ontario helping to protect communities against racism and hate
Ontario government is committing $3.3 million in cost-share funding through the Rural Economic Development Program to help rural and Indigenous communities diversify their economies, retain skilled workers, invest in local infrastructure and create jobs.
Province introduces measures to cap interest fees on payday loans
Prince Edward Island:
Health PEI creating jobs in preparation second wave of COVID-19
Islanders invited to share their innovative, bold and sustainable ideas to chart PEI's future for recovery and growth
Residents without primary healthcare provider will soon have access to virtual healthcare from home
- A moratorium on evicting tenants during the coronavirus pandemic put in place in March has been lifted
Provincial government has lifted the eviction ban that protected tenants from losing their homes during the pandemic
More workers at healthcare facilities are now eligible for the province’s temporary wage supplement program; introduced to provide financial support to some workers helping vulnerable people during the coronavirus pandemic.
Yukon Territory:
Government conducting Community Wellbeing Survey as part of a territory-wide survey of wellbeing
Changes to federal infrastructure funds allow for COVID-19 flexibility
Local company providing fresh food and tools to grow it year round
The Latest Policy Resources and Perspectives:
Project Pandemic: Canada Reports on COVID-19 - Data mapping
First Policy Response:
Canada’s Policy Community Response to COVID-19 includes key topics: Income support for individuals, support for business, support for the community sector and support for the vulnerable
Federation for Canadian Municipalities:
COVID Municipal Hub features federal, provincial/territorial tools and resources for communities and businesses
Guide: Building Sustainable Communities with Asset Management
Prosper Canada
Financial Relief Navigator for people to help raise income or lower expenses
COVID-19 Resources and Responses
Five Good Ideas for Income Supports in a Post-CERB Canada
Engaging Lived and Living Expertise in COVID-19 Recovery Planning
Brookfield Institute
Importance of accessible and inclusive public service tech
Broadbent Institute
COVID-19 Resource and Response Centre
Solidarity in the Pandemic: Basic Income or Basic Services
Recovering from COVID with a green transition
Wellesley Institute
Crowded housing and COVID-19: Impacts and Solutions
Housing and Health: the two go together
Pharmacare: essential to our health and economy
Open Policy Ontario
Top 10 Questions on Poverty and Canada’s new Transitional Benefit and new EI Program
Centre for Policy Alternatives
Alternative Federal Budget Recovery Plan
Canadian Urban Institute
City Watch Canada tracks emergency measures put in place by local governments
City Share Canada crowdsourcing platform for tools, resources and stories
Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness
Homeless Sector Information Exchange Community Survey Results on COVID-19 and Homelessness