ÉTUDE DE CAS |  Prince Albert comble le fossé numérique avec la jeunesse locale

Digital Divide

La fracture numérique vécue par de nombreux jeunes dans ces collectivités et d'autres du Canada a eu une incidence importante sur la capacité des jeunes de participer à l'école et de réussir à l'école, de communiquer avec leurs pairs et d'avoir accès à des possibilités et à des soutiens.

Cette étude de cas vous racontera l'histoire du projet d'innovation communautaire de CBAJ Prince Albert et comment, grâce à une approche d'engagement des jeunes, l'accès à la technologie a été offert à la jeunesse dans un lieu peu probable.

Recent posts

WEBINAR | Talking to your Community about Collective Impact - Making it Real
WEBINAR | Talking to your Community about Collective Impact - Overview
WEBINAR | Talking to your Community about Collective Impact - Overview
CASE STUDY | Transforming the Coasts of New Brunswick through Community Engagement
TOOL | Impact Feasibility Matrix
REPORT | Communities Ending Poverty Impact Report: A Deep Dive into 2022
REPORT | Communities Ending Poverty Impact Report: A Deep Dive into 2022
CASE STUDY | Transforming the Coasts of New Brunswick through Community Engagement
CASE STUDY | Transforming the Coasts of New Brunswick through Community Engagement
REPORT | Communities Ending Poverty Summit for Strength Learnings
REPORT | Communities Ending Poverty Summit for Strength Learnings
MEMBERSHIP | Community Climate Transitions
MEMBERSHIP | Community Climate Transitions
WEBINAR | Mental Health and Poverty: A Systems Change Approach
WEBINAR | Mental Health and Poverty: A Systems Change Approach
CASE STUDY | Transforming Systems Through Lived Experience
CASE STUDY | Transforming Systems Through Lived Experience
WEBINAR | Kim Samuel on Belonging: Finding Connection in an Age of Isolation
WEBINAR | Kim Samuel on Belonging: Finding Connection in an Age of Isolation
WEBINAR | Transforming Systems for Continued Poverty Reduction Success
WEBINAR | Transforming Systems for Continued Poverty Reduction Success
WEBINAR | Breakthrough Community Change: Lessons for Changemakers
WEBINAR | Breakthrough Community Change: Lessons for Changemakers
WEBINAR | Bankability / Payday Lending
WEBINAR | Bankability / Payday Lending
WEBINAR | Integrating the SDGs into Your Municipality
WEBINAR | Integrating the SDGs into Your Municipality
WEBINAR | Centring Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Reconciliation in Organizations and in Community-Wide Change
WEBINAR | Centring Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Reconciliation in Organizations and in Community-Wide Change
WEBINAR | Young Climate Voices on the Global Stage: Amplifying Local Knowledge
WEBINAR | Young Climate Voices on the Global Stage: Amplifying Local Knowledge
WEBINAR | Impact Networks: Building Relationships Across Boundaries to Catalyze Systems Change
WEBINAR | Impact Networks: Building Relationships Across Boundaries to Catalyze Systems Change
GUIDE | Community Climate Start-Up - Thinking Like an Entrepreneur
GUIDE | Community Climate Start-Up - Thinking Like an Entrepreneur
PAPER | What Is Community?
Reflecting Together: Results and Implications of our 2022 Members Survey