OUTIL | Canevas pour planifier la mobilisation communautaire

Canevas pour planifier la mobilisation communautaire

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Cet outil de planification vous aidera à naviguer parmi les principaux aspects du processus de mobilisation, quels que soient les groupes de la communauté auxquels vous planifiez de faire appel.

Utilisez cet outil pour réfléchir, générer des idées, et peaufiner votre réflexion. Il peut également être utilisé pour consigner ou synthétiser l’information clé se rattachant à chacune de vos démarches de mobilisation.

Recent posts

WEBINAR | Talking to your Community about Collective Impact - Making it Real
WEBINAR | Talking to your Community about Collective Impact - Overview
WEBINAR | Talking to your Community about Collective Impact - Overview
CASE STUDY | Transforming the Coasts of New Brunswick through Community Engagement
TOOL | Impact Feasibility Matrix
REPORT | Communities Ending Poverty Impact Report: A Deep Dive into 2022
REPORT | Communities Ending Poverty Impact Report: A Deep Dive into 2022
CASE STUDY | Transforming the Coasts of New Brunswick through Community Engagement
CASE STUDY | Transforming the Coasts of New Brunswick through Community Engagement
REPORT | Communities Ending Poverty Summit for Strength Learnings
REPORT | Communities Ending Poverty Summit for Strength Learnings
MEMBERSHIP | Community Climate Transitions
MEMBERSHIP | Community Climate Transitions
WEBINAR | Mental Health and Poverty: A Systems Change Approach
WEBINAR | Mental Health and Poverty: A Systems Change Approach
CASE STUDY | Transforming Systems Through Lived Experience
CASE STUDY | Transforming Systems Through Lived Experience
WEBINAR | Kim Samuel on Belonging: Finding Connection in an Age of Isolation
WEBINAR | Kim Samuel on Belonging: Finding Connection in an Age of Isolation
WEBINAR | Transforming Systems for Continued Poverty Reduction Success
WEBINAR | Transforming Systems for Continued Poverty Reduction Success
WEBINAR | Breakthrough Community Change: Lessons for Changemakers
WEBINAR | Breakthrough Community Change: Lessons for Changemakers
WEBINAR | Bankability / Payday Lending
WEBINAR | Bankability / Payday Lending
WEBINAR | Integrating the SDGs into Your Municipality
WEBINAR | Integrating the SDGs into Your Municipality
WEBINAR | Centring Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Reconciliation in Organizations and in Community-Wide Change
WEBINAR | Centring Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Reconciliation in Organizations and in Community-Wide Change
WEBINAR | Young Climate Voices on the Global Stage: Amplifying Local Knowledge
WEBINAR | Young Climate Voices on the Global Stage: Amplifying Local Knowledge
WEBINAR | Impact Networks: Building Relationships Across Boundaries to Catalyze Systems Change
WEBINAR | Impact Networks: Building Relationships Across Boundaries to Catalyze Systems Change
GUIDE | Community Climate Start-Up - Thinking Like an Entrepreneur
GUIDE | Community Climate Start-Up - Thinking Like an Entrepreneur
PAPER | What Is Community?
Reflecting Together: Results and Implications of our 2022 Members Survey