A Strategy
for Belonging

Strengthening Communities
with their Voices and Gifts
at the Centre


Yes, We Need A Strategy


The Idea

What if we had a pan-Canadian Strategy for Belonging that centred residents and community groups to design and deliver local approaches in the voice of their own communities and that was sustained with dedicated resources committed to providing care for our community caretakers?

A Strategy that:

1. Brings together cross-sector collaboration to build alliances of individuals, associations, and organizations to come together to share resources and expertise

2. Centres Indigenous, Black, and racialized peoples; people with low incomes; people with disabilities; members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community; official language minority communities; recent newcomers; youth; and people with multiple of these identities

3. Shifts power, funds, and other resources to residents, informational associations, and the community

4. Results in population-level change. Ultimately, it would increase the sense of contribution, power, belonging, equity, and sense of possibility reported by all people engaged in sustaining our democracy by way of community-led involvement

What Is Belonging?

Belonging is simultaneously an individual’s feeling in relation to their community and relationship with the systems that influence communities. Belonging to a community is to be an active co-owner of the community and to foster a sense of emotional and communal ownership.  A sense of community belonging describes the degree to which individuals are connected to their community and their place with in it.  

We would like to acknowledge that the purpose of this definition is to act as a starting point for the upcoming conversations with our members, partners, and learning networks. 

The Opportunity

How can a Strategy for Belonging be built by the people for the people and the governments at all levels to step back and learn how to support communities to do for themselves and only do what community cannot do themselves?

Community seems to be the logical answer to loneliness and polarization and the solution is that we need to connect.

Community champions have the power and capability to address the polycrisis of loneliness, poverty, inequality, and environmental sustainability through strategies and solutions that make us more resilient and prosperous. To be successful, however, we need a new way for governments at all levels to interact with communities.

A Strategy for Belonging offers an opportunity to do this work differently from development to implementation.

The Ask

We have an open invitation to learners in our network and beyond, to share their stories, their wisdom, and their thoughts on what a pan-Canadian Strategy for Belonging needs to have and who needs to be a part of it.

Yes, We Need A Strategy


Our Signators by the Numbers

learners icon


map of canada icon


Provinces and Territories


Join this Growing Movement and

Sign the Pledge to Support the Work of Co-creating
a Pan-Canadian Strategy for Belonging