This webinar recording features a conversation with Linda Mollenhauer of Ignite NPS and the Tamarack Institute’s own Liz Weaver and Sylvia Cheuy.
Together, they explored considerations for effectively launching, sustaining, renewing and ending collaborations. Their discussion considers how non-profits can build readiness internally to be effective collaborators.
For an overview of topics and questions discussed during the conversation, please see the description posted under the video on YouTube, found by clicking "View the Recording."
- Sylvia Cheuy, Tamarack Institute
- Liz Weaver, Tamarack Institute
- Jaime Stief, Tamarack Institute
- Linda Mollenhauer, Ignite NPS
Deepen Your Learning
- Read the article on which this webinar was based, Collaboration: Beginnings & Endings, from Liz Weaver's Collaborative Governance Series.