The Tamarack Institute is a registered Canadian charity dedicated to ending poverty in all its forms, for good. We support real people and invest in real communities for long-term change.
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Communities Building Youth Futures (CBYF) has an ambitious goal: support youth leaders aged 15-30 across Canada to revolutionize the future of youth education, work, and wellness in their rural, remote and Indigenous communities. CBYF puts young people at the center of decision-making, seeking feedback and advice from diverse youth voices. Instead of focusing on one initiative or practice, CBYF uses collective impact strategies to build transformational, far-reaching networks of support across youth leadership tables, service providers, community organizations, local government, and other community allies.
In the first five years of the initiative (2019-2024), CBYF engaged 70,000 youth across 20 communities to re-imagine pathways to education, secure stable employment, and develop as leaders and mentors in their communities. To learn more about CBYF’s innovative strategies and to get involved, visit
Deepen Your Learning
- Learn about the impact of Communities Building Youth Futures
- Hear what the youth involved in CBYF gained from the project, in their own words
- Check out case studies about the work in CBYF's member communities