Communications is an important condition of collective impact and collaborative work. Keeping everyone on the same page is difficult when there are multiple parts that are continually in flux. Developing a Plan on a Page can address these challenges. A Plan on a Page is a concise, one page synthesis of the key design elements of the collective impact approach. You can find a template for a Plan on a Page here.
26 Apr, 2017
TOOL | Building a Plan on a Page
By Liz Weaver

Liz Weaver
Liz is passionate about the power and potential of communities getting to impact on complex issues. Liz is Tamarack’s Co-CEO and Director, Learning Centre. In this role she provides strategic direction to the organization and leads many of its key learning activities including collective impact capacity building services for the Ontario Trillium Foundation. Liz is one of Tamarack's highly regarded trainers and has developed and delivered curriculum on a variety of workshop topics including collaborative governance, leadership, collective impact, community innovation, influencing policy change and social media for impact and engagement.
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