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PAPER | Evaluating Social Innovation

Evaluating Community Impact, Publications, Community Innovation

This paper explores ways that common evaluation approaches and practices constrain innovation and offers lessons about an emerging evaluation approach—developmental evaluation—which supports the adaptation that is so crucial to innovation. For what kinds of grantmaking strategies should funders consider using developmental evaluation? What organizational conditions are necessary for it to work? How can grantmakers grapple with the challenging questions that developmental evaluation raises about innovation, accountability, rigor, and adaptation?
Hallie Preskill & Tanya Beer

By Hallie Preskill & Tanya Beer

Hallie leads FSG’s Strategic Evaluation approach area. For more than 25 years, Hallie has provided evaluation, organizational learning, and training workshops and services for healthcare, nonprofit, education, foundation, government, and corporate organizations.

Tanya Beer is Associate Director of the Center for Evaluation Innovation, where she helps to lead the Center’s work, with a particular focus in the areas of systems change and advocacy evaluation.

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