Neighbourhood Learning
Community of Practice


Register here


Our next conversation is on June 11, 2024 (12:00 pm ET)

The topic of our next conversation is: Planning for Diversity: Social Infrastructure in Smaller Canadian Communities.

Our special guest is Ryan Lok, PhD in Planning Candidate. University of Waterloo.


Note on registration:

Participants who registered through the form below will receive a calendar reminder with a Zoom link one to two weeks prior to the conversation.

An email reminder will be sent the week before the date of our conversation.

Contact Jorge if you did not receive a Zoom link and would like to join the call: 

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Our Theme for 2024:

Our conversations will focus on the role of social infrastructure to strengthen belonging and foster more equitable outcomes in communities. Contact us if you'd like to host or co-host a Neighbourhood Learning Community of Practice session on this topic.


Upcoming Conversations:

Summer Conversation: June 20, 2024 (1:00 pm ET)

The Power of Place in Cultivating a Strategy for Belonging

Our special guests are Peter Block and Danya Pastuszek

Register to attend this conversation

Power of Place and Belonging webinar promo image


Fall Conversation: October 1, 2024 (TBC)


Past Conversations:

Winter Conversation: February 13, 2024 (noon ET)

Community Folkschools: a practical way to celebrate local wisdom and increase social connectedness

In collaboration with Life.School.House


Spring Conversation: April 9, 2024 (noon ET)

Shifting Policies, Practices, and Conditions for Belonging: Exploring the Action Guide for Building Socially Connected Communities

In collaboration with Foundation for Social Connection


Stay tuned for an End of Year Update from the Communities Building Belonging team in November 2024. Note that we won't be meeting between November 2024 and January 2025 but we will return in February 2025.


Register Now


Our Community of Practice at a Glance

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The aim of this Neighbourhood Learning Community of Practice (NLC CoP) is to develop a dynamic network of practitioners that are intentionally working together to develop more connected, vibrant, and resilient neighbourhoods.

By joining this unique community of practice you will connect and collaborate with a diverse network of practitioners that share resources, programs, policies, and best practices for strengthening neighbourhoods and communities.


Learn more about Communities Building Belonging

Meet Your Community of Practice Facilitator


Jorge Garza - Associate Director, Communities Building Belonging


At the Tamarack Institute, Jorge is leading a pan-Canadian, asset-based network that supports municipalities, institutions, and individuals to increase the sense of community belonging reported by everyone. Previously, he co-designed Tamarack’s first cohort of 19 communities committed to advancing climate action.

Jorge has worked at the Metcalf Foundation, where he supported the development of its poverty reduction program. He also spent five years at the McConnell Foundation, where he contributed to the development of its place-based work and explored the role of philanthropy in cultivating a more equitable society. Jorge is a realistic optimist, and he believes in everyone’s potential to build more equitable & regenerative futures. He brings a diverse background of experience in strategy development, program design, and urban policy. Throughout his career, Jorge has collaborated with communities, funders, and international organizations working to achieve more equitable outcomes.


Contact Jorge