Place-based or community-based collaborative models have the power and potential to drive significant and systems level impact. In an article published in the Stanford Social Innovation Review, Tamarack explored How Field Catalysts Accelerate Collective Impact and shared a model drawing the connection between place-based collaborations and systems level impact.
This webinar recording features a conversation with Emily Sun, Jo Blundell, Lela Kogbara, Tim Draimin and Sylvia Cheuy about the current practice and innovations emerging when investing in place-based change.
For an overview of topics and questions discussed during the conversation, please see the YouTube description.
- Sylvia Cheuy, Tamarack Institute
- Emily Sun, Place Matters UK
- Jo Blundell, Place Matters UK
- Lela Kogbara, Black Thrive Global
- Tim Draimin, Community Foundations of Canada
Deepen Your Learning:
- Read our case study co-authored with Place Matters UK titled Centring Equity and Place-Based Approaches in Systemic Transformation
- Learn more about Community Innovations of Canada's work on transformational storytelling