This webinar provides guidance, practical tips, and tools for collaborative groups to take their community engagements online.
This intro session will be particularly useful to groups who are using a community-wide multi-sectoral approach to creating or renewing poverty reduction strategies and neighbourhood/community plans.
Start Planning Your Virtual Engagement:
Fill in the Community Engagement Planning Canvas
Clarify your "why" using Capire's Engagement Triangle and The Engagement Continuum
Brainstorm your "how" using the Index of Community Engagement Techniques
Explore useful collaboration software:
Mural – A platform for interactive collaboration (Find Tamarack's Mural how-to video here)
Bang the Table: Stories, Guestbook, Questions, Forum, Ideas, Places
ThoughtExchange – A platform for real-time community conversations online
Liberating Structures Slack Discussion Group – A discussion forum for using Liberating Structures facilitation techniques in a virtual environment
Plan for accessibility using SFU's Tipsheet for Accessibility and Equity in Online Engagement during COVID-19 and Capire's Inclusive Community Engagement publication
Refer back to Lisa's PowerPoint Presentation
Deeper Dive:
Develop your facilitator skills and toolbox by taking the online course, Foundations of Community Engagement, by Lisa Attygale
Connect with a Manager of Communities to request a peer group or one-on-one coaching session to support you in developing your virtual community engagement plan.