CASE STUDY | Building on the Strengths of a Collective Culture: The Case of the États Généraux du Collectif des partenaires en développement des communautés

CASE STUDY | Building on the Strengths of a Collective Culture: The Case of the États Généraux du Collectif des partenaires en développement des communautés

Québec's solidarity-based collective culture is rooted in a rich history and a distinctive French language and is embodied today in the promotion of social values such as equality, social justice, sustainability, cultural diversity, participatory democracy and recognition of the rights of Indigenous peoples. It is reflected in the policies, institutions, artistic endeavors, and daily life of local communities. How can we leverage the strengths of this collective, supportive culture to better address the many challenges we face today (pandemic impacts, growing inequalities, socio-ecological transition, etc.)?

The case of the Collectif des partenaires en développement des communautés provides an example of how we can mobilize and unite to increase communities' collective capacity for action and their power to co-influence public policy.

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This publication is part of a series of case studies that illustrate different ideas to inspire changemakers involved in community development in the Quebec context.

Full list of publications in this series

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