
BC Communities Ending Poverty

Community of Practice

Next Meeting: February 24, 2025,

1pm PST/2pm MST

Next Meeting Topic: BC's Child Poverty Report Card with guests from First Call BC


Our Community of Practice
at a Glance

The BC Community of Practice (CoP) is a committed group of individuals with a common desire to learn from each other, to enable professional self- development, and to build capacities of their local poverty reduction initiatives. The group comes together on a bi-monthly basis to share information, experiences and best practices, strengthen collaboration, and better respond to poverty-related issues in their communities. 

Benefits of Membership

By joining this unique Community of Practice you will be able to share your experiences and knowledge in free-flowing and creative ways with other professionals who are working on similar challenges or issues. By engaging in facilitated conversations with your peers, you will uncover new approaches to problems, build your professional skill set, access new ideas and contribute to the transfer of best practices.

Our Commitment

The purpose of the BC CoP is to create a space and structured opportunity for BC CoP members to connect, collaborate, and share experiences, best practices and lessons learned pertaining to community-based poverty reduction in BC. Our group is committed to:

  • Creating a space and that facilitates communication and ongoing professional development.
  • Providing members with opportunities to share resources, best practices and lessons learned.
  • Sharing emerging findings and research.
  • Providing opportunities for mentoring to build capability of less experienced members.
  • Complimenting and working together with existing province-wide and regional initiatives.
  • Creating working groups that can advance specific goals of the CoP.
  • Co-generating resources and tools that can be utilized across the Vibrant Communities network.

Our Members

Membership in the BC CoP is open to individuals, groups, communities, businesses, and governments engaged in poverty reduction work in British Columbia. 

Still have questions?

Reach out to Kathryn at kathryn@tamarackcommunity.ca.

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