In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, the opportunity to learn, adapt and innovate from the symptoms that created the crisis were largely wasted. Now we face an unimaginably greater crisis, this time affecting not just the financial system but our entire economy, public health system, and everyday patterns of life. If we are to derive some benefit from present pain, Canadians need to learn the lessons and distinguish between short-term corrective measures and the opportunity to correct structural flaws. People yearn for a return to normalcy. But what will the ‘normal’ look like after this?
7 Apr, 2020
ARTICLE | On Not Letting (Another) Crisis Go to Waste
By Tim Brodhead

Tim Brodhead
Currently, Tim is a board member of the Ottawa Community Foundation and the Jarislowsky, Omega, Inspirit, Shorefast and other foundations. He is also on the boards of Reconciliation Canada and the Arctic Inspiration Prize, and the advisory boards of Musagetes and the MaRS Solutions Lab. In 2001, Tim was appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada. He is the recipient of honourary degrees from Carleton University, Dalhousie University, the University of New Brunswick, York University and McGill University.
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