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The Civic Incubator from Montréal’s Maison de l’innovation sociale (MIS) is a unique five-month support program designed for individuals, groups, and small non-profit organizations (NPOs) who are motivated to implement projects with the potential for systemic impact in their communities. To date, over 80 projects have been supported to take their initiative from ideation to a first phase of deployment.
This webinar recording features a conversation with Hugo Steben and Sarah Abarro of MIS and two program laureates – Phillip Harrison (project: l'Épicerie indulgente) and Jolette Côté (project: Couleurs d'enfants).
For an overview of topics and questions discussed during the conversation, please see the description posted under the video on YouTube, found by clicking "View the Recording."
Myriam Bérubé
Hugo Steban, Maison de l’innovation sociale (MIS)
Sarah Abarro, Maison de l’innovation sociale (MIS)
Philippe Harrison, Program Laureate (Project: l’Épicerie indulgente)
Jolette Côté, Program Laureate (Project: Couleurs d’enfants)