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In this webinar recording, members of the National Advisory Council on Poverty converse with Vibrant Communities Calgary’s Policy and Research Specialist, Lee Stevens, to discuss what they heard in their pan-Canadian tour talking to people from across the country.
The speakers on this panel explore:
what they’ve learned about the state of poverty in Canada;
the widening inequality gap; and
why the five recommendations put forward in their new report, Understanding Systems: The 2021 report of the National Advisory Council on Poverty, are the most high-impact as we look forward to a just COVID-19 recovery for all.
Scott MacAfee, National Advisory Council on Poverty
Sylvie Veilleux, National Advisory Council on Poverty
Cheryl Whiskeyjack, Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society
Lee Stevens, Vibrant Communities Calgary
For an overview of the questions the panel was asked, please see the YouTube description (by clicking "View the Recording" above).
For an English-language overview of Sylvie Veilleux's comments, click here.