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The purpose of this webinar was to invite people who run NGOs or lead justice struggles in bilingual communities who need to navigate two sociolinguistic communities simultaneously so that everyone moves forward together. What are the challenges they face? What are the strengths of operating in a bilingual community? How has it engaged both communities at their distinct starting points?
For an overview of the topics and questions discussed during the conversation, please refer to the description on YouTube.
- Chúk Odenigbo, Tamarack Institute
- Jessica Gilligan, Tamarack Institute
- Annika Chiasson, Director, New Brunswick Environmental Network
- Julie Dunleavy, Program Manager, The Youth Harbor
- Miriam Ponette, La Pêche Coalition for a Green New Deal
- Upcoming webinars and workshops
- A webinar in French on community innovation led by the Comité FrancoQueer de l'Ouest
- Youth Harbour Resources
- FES Annual Report
- Best Practices for Creating a Bilingual Space, New Brunswick Environmental Network