The Collective Impact Compendium Tool Series

The Collective Impact Compendium Tool Series

Collective Impact is a framework for addressing complex community dilemmas and is most effective when trying to move the needle at a population or systems change scale.  It is not a useful framework when the purpose of the collaborative effort is solely to deliver programmatic services or solutions.  

To help you make the most of your Collective Impact initiative, we've assembled a collection of compendiums with a vast array of tools, papers, and other resources to help you build your toolkit for specific areas of your Collective Impact work. From a focus on the five phases to sustainability, to evaluation, the compendium series will provide you with links to the best resources from our network of Collective Impact thought-leaders. 

We want to ensure that these resources act as living documents and reflect the resources our network finds most useful.  If you have a tool or a resource that has been helpful to your Collective Impact work, contact us at and we will include that tool in future iterations of this Compendium of resources.



Tools in this series


Collective Impact initiatives generally follow five phases that each present unique challenges. The papers, tools and resources in this Compendium are organized according to each of the phases to make this a quick and easy resource for you to keep handy as you embark on your Collective Impact journey. 

See The Five Phases Tool
2. TOOL | Leadership, Governance, and Backbones

In the second tool in the Collective Impact Compendium series, you'll find key Collective Impact resources all in one place. In this edition of the series, we have curated a list of  resources which will build your understanding of the important elements of leading and supporting a Collective Impact initiative, and help you Identify key resources and questions to support effective governance.

See The Leadership, Governance, and Backbones Tool
3. TOOL | Building Community Readiness for Collective Impact

This collection of resources is designed for communities considering deploying the Collective Impact framework to help you understand what pre-conditions and other considerations will be valuable in developing an effective and community-focused approach.

See Building Community Readiness for Collective Impact
4. TOOL | Building Resilient and Sustainable Collective Impact Initiatives

This collection of resources focuses solely on building resilient and sustainable Collective Impact initiatives and in doing so, uncovers a variety of articles, tools, webinars and videos.  The resources bridge different perspectives from building non-profit sustainability to understanding what funders consider when investing in Collective Impact.  

See Building Resilient and Sustainable Collective Impact Initiatives
5. TOOL | Evaluating Collective Impact Efforts

This compendium will focus on key articles, tools, and resources which have been developed to assist Collective Impact practitioners to evaluate their community change efforts.


See Evaluating Collective Impact Efforts
6. TOOL | Engaging Stakeholders to Build Movements for Change

In this edition of the series, we have curated a list of papers, tools and resources which focus on the practice of effective community engagement, and how a movement-building lens can accelerate the impact of your collaborative initiative.


See Engaging Stakeholders to Build Movements for Change




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The Collective Impact Compendium Tool Series
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